
Novel therapeutic approaches, based on drug repurposing, for high risk non muscle invasive bladder cancer driven by patients’ proteomic signatures

Dr. Marika Mokou
MSCA - Fellow

Dr. Marika Mokou studied Biology at the School of Biology, University of Athens, Greece and received her bachelor’s degree in 2011 (Grade: 7.91/10). Later on, in 2014, she obtained her Master’s degree in Molecular Medicine from the Medical School of Athens, Greece (Grade: 9.64/10). In 2015, Dr. Mokou started working as a PhD student in the Proteomics Laboratory at BRFAA in collaboration with the Laboratory of Biology at the Medical School of Athens in Greece. Her PhD studies were financially supported for 3 years by the European Commission (SysVasc, HEALTH 2013, Grant No. 603288). During her PhD studies, Dr. Mokou gained numerous awards and distinctions and her work was presented in prestigious conferences and journals. 

Dr. Mokou received her PhD in 2019 (Grade: 10/10). Directly after her PhD studies, Dr. Mokou pursued post-doctoral studies for one year at the Proteomics Laboratory in BRFAA under the supervision of Dr. Antonia Vlahou. Since June 2020, Dr. Mokou works as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie PostDoctoral Fellow at Mosaiques Diagnostics in Hannover, Germany under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Dr. Harald Mischak and she is focusing on drug repurposing for bladder cancer through the exploitation of patients' omics signatures. Dr. Mokou has experience in molecular biology techniques, in vivo and in vitro experiments, proteomics methods and bioinformatics analysis of –omics data and serves as a Reviewer in many in peer reviewed journals. Her research interests are focused on bladder cancer pathophysiology and therapeutics. 

Prof. Dr. Dr. Harald Mischak, PhD, is Director of Mosaiques Diagnostics and the supervisor of ReDrugBC project activities. Prof. Mischak has great background in translating scientific discoveries into clinical implementation and is a leader in clinical biomarker research and implementation, development of multidimensional classifiers and systems medicine. He has made significant contributions to the field of clinical proteomics and biomarker research in the context of chronic diseases and cancer. Prof. Mischak has published >300 manuscripts, which have been cited >30,000 times (h-factor 96) and more than 100 patents have been filed with his name as inventor.

Dr. Maria Frantzi received a Master of Science in 2012 and a Doctoral degree in 2016 both in Molecular Medicine from Athens Medical School (Greece). In parallel, she received two Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowships, as a PhD and post-doctoral fellow, during which she shared her time between University of Glasgow (UK), Biomedical Research Foundation of Academy of Athens (BRFAA, Greece) and Mosaiques diagnostics GmbH (Germany). Her main research focus includes the discovery of novel biomarkers and therapeutic targets for genitourinary cancers. Dr. Maria Frantzi is a senior manager in MOS, expert in CE-MS analysis, machine learning and omics data integration, and directs the oncological department. She has published >50 manuscripts, cited >1000 times (h-factor: 18).

Mosaiques Diagnostics GmbH

Mosaiques Diagnostics GmbH, located in Hanover (Germany), is an R&D performing SME and the world leader in clinical proteomic diagnostics. Mosaiques Diagnostics started its activity in 2002 as a privately held independent company with the aim to improve healthcare quality through the application of clinical proteomics. Mosaiques employs the powerful high-resolution technologies capillary-electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry (CE-MS) and liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for proteomics clinical applications. Company's expertise includes the development of non-invasive biomarker panels for accurate detection of severe diseases at early stages as well as monitoring disease recurrence, investigation of the therapeutic efficacy of new drugs in preclinical models (animal models) and the identification of drug targets and therapeutic agents as part of drug discovery process and drug repurposing respectively.


Dr. Antonia Vlahou

Center of Systems Biology, Core Facility Site Proteomics 

Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens

Athens, Greece

Lab Site: (

PD Dr. Michèle J. Hoffmann

Forschungslabor der Klinik für Urologie

Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

Düsseldorf, Germany


ReDrugBC is a Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) Individual Fellowship programme funded by the European Commission (H2020-MSCA-IF-2019, Grant agreement ID: 898260).